The Cusp of Drama and Criticism

I posted a few weeks back about finding out that I was borning during a strange and difficult week. In a book, it basically said I was almost impossible to love because of my personality and I guess, curse, of being born at this time. I had posted some information – but that was not the exact article I read. The one I read came from a book called “The Secret Language of Relationships” – the other one was a composite from another source. Here is what I read – I will basically break it down with some of my own comments and thoughts. Does this apply to me? And if so… why type of crap… so here we go:

Libra-Scorpio Cusp
The Cusp of Drama and Criticism
October 19 – 25

Strengths: sensuous, charismatic, artistic
Weaknesses: Overcritical, Addictive, Rigid

The Libra-Scorpio cusp is an admixture of the seventh sign of the zodiac, libra, and the eight sign, Scorpio, where the airy, social, theatrical libra nature confronts the more serious, deeply feeling and critical nature of Scorpio. This cusp can be likened to the period of around 49-years of age in the human life and comes in the middle of fall in the northern hemisphere. In human development, at the age of 49, the midlife period is ending and middle age is approaching. This is a period of that can be characterized by the themes of Drama and Criticism. A heightened sense of the drama of life, both in a philosophical and personal sense, leads to an increased awareness of the dynamics of one’s own existnace, past and present; a highly critical attitude emerges that cuts away careless generalizations and sloppy thinking, and aims for the essence of truth. Such an attitude can lead to profound changes in personal relationships, how leisues time is spent and in general to a reevalutaion of one’s place in the world.

Basically this is a restatement of what was mentioned in the last blog I wrote about this… the words “aims for the essence of truth” does speak a bit to me. I mean, hell, isn’t that what a majority of my blogs are. Me cutting away the crap to get to the truth of who I am and what I am? So, is this dead on… in a sense it is. At least I think so. Unfortunatly, the highly critical part is very true as well. I am harder on myself then anyone else can be. It annoys the hell out of some of the people in my life because when I make a simple mistake – I don’t just accept it and move on. I basically flog myself for it. I hold on to it and beat myself up emotionally for something that isn’t that big of a deal. I see myself as weak or stupid or not good enough because I am not perfect. Is the same sense of critical that the writers were thinking though… Personally I don’t think so. I do think they are talking about critical sense as someone who can pinpoint a wrong and pushes towards the truth for it. I can do that… sometimes… but I don’t know. I can pinpoint and aim for the bullshit that other people like to throw around…

Big personalities, those born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp may prove too much for anyone to handle.

Okay, breaking in again pretty quickly… yes, I have a big personality. A HUGE personality… and it is a bit much for anyone, even family, to handle at times. I have always said I was an overflowing glass of milk in the resturant of life. A bit too much of everything… And it has driven many people away from me. I have tried to calm myself down or reduce my personality to hide it… but it doesn’t like to be hidden.

Their influence can not only dominate their immediate circle but go far beyond it; that influence is surely personal, for these are charismatic individuals, but also often intellectual, since their ideas are well thought out and highly developed. Libra-Scorpios usually have something to say on almost any subject.

I have something to say on EVERY subject… not almost any… EVERY! I don’t mean to… I just know alot useless crap. I am not a know it all… I just know a lot… as for my influence. I am not a good influence on people. And if I am, I am unaware of any impact I have ever made on a single soul.

Their penchant for preaching from the pulpit makes them well suited to be teachers, whether professionally or informally, and their students usually come to depend heavily on them for guidance.

I don’t preach from a pulpit… I have a milk crate that I use on the corner and scream at people… okay, I don’t really. I just thought it was funny damnit!

Those born on this cusp meld the airy (mental) nature of Libra and the watery (emotional) characteristics of Scorpio – not always an easy take. These two aspects of their personality are often at war, with the head guiding and the heart denying, or viceversa. Libra-Scorpios can get into a real mess with themselves when their intellectual and emotional natures clash. Periods of Libra indecision may be broken by outbursts of Scorpio agression, and self assured Scorpio determination and control may be undermined by Libra procratination and love of repose. The tensions and disappointments of life can at times prove too much for them, such that they retreat into isolation.

I have often joked about my heritage being scottish-irish-english-french-german meaning that I am always in a battle with myself over everything. Unfortunatly, there was an aspect of that, that was true… I battle with myself constantly. I regret constantly and I fear that my indecisions in life have given something I never wanted because I was afraid to make the wrong choice so instead I made none. I do cut myself off from the world alot. Even people. I can not tell you how many times I have told people I care about deeply that I need to go away because of the tension and disappointments that I have with myself. I think the people in my life who have seen this may agree with this statement.

Thus Libra-Scorpios benefit from physical exercise, fitness training, sound diets and all activies that promote healthy contact with the world, and relationships and activities that lessen their tendency to isolate themselves from the world or will prove beneficial to them.

damn it… my mom was right!

The mental orientation of those born on the Cusp of Drama and Criticism appears in their perceptiveness and sharp insightfulness. The twin dangers here are a sense of personal infallibility and a tendency to be overcritical; the disapproving or denigrating attitudes of Libra-Scorpios can hurt those close to them, undermining their confidence in subtle ways. The intimates of Libra-Scorpios may have to fight back against such negative expectations and predictions, not just to protect but to liberate themselves. Those born on this cusp should seriously think about the project of learning to back off, and of not only keeping their opinions to themselves but in many cares letting go of them completely.

So… not only am I too much for anyone to handle… the book advises that people need to learn to liberate themselves from me because I am harmful to them… maybe there is a reason we isolate ourselves. Maybe its for the best of the world we are in contact with? Obviously, we are bad for people…shit! Can they say anything good about this week?

Those born on this cusp have a decidedly modern approach in most areas, but also shelter an undeniable sense of tradition. This is particularly clean in their devotion to parents and children, in whose lives they play a large role – sometimes too large.

There is that word “too” again… too much, too large…

Not that Libra-Scorpios too eaily accept their parents values – far from it. Their attachment is mor emotional. After a stormy and rebellious adolescence, those born on this cusp often return to an extremely close relationship with their parents in later life.

Okay, this is pretty dead on… not that I was a bad kid. Okay, out of the two kids in our family… I was the black sheep. My brother was the perfect one who never got in trouble. I was the one who came home with F’s on my report card and was proud of it. Skipped school some… I did become close with the attendence lady at my high school. Knew her better then any of my teachers…. but I don’t think I was a rebellious kid… hum?

As responsible as many Libra-Scorpios seem in many areas of everyday life, they have an undeniably wild, unpredictable side. Dramatic and impulsive, they will unhesitatingly fly in the face of societys moral codes to assert their values or express themselves, which they can do both cogently and flamboyantly.

I don’t think I am a dramatic person… okay fine! I am… I am insane, at least according to my exes. I don’t really fly in the face of societys moral codes… not really. I just believe what I believe and I don’t care if you don’t agree with me – cause your wrong. Impulsive… eh? I don’t know. I would have to find out from other people. I like plans things out but hum… ?

Even the mildest of those born on this cusp have an exhibitionistic side, and want and need others to take notice of them.

ummmm… yeah I can see this. I like people to see me and notice me for the goddess that I am. Hello! How can they not?! But at the same time, it scares the crap out of me because sometimes that attention and notice is unwanted and creepy .

The private lives of Libra-Scorpios may include many love affairs, charting a path strewn with the broken hearts of those who have had relationships with them. Their particular brand of charimsa, impulsiveness and mental power makes them formidable and sometimes even dangerous individuals to be involved with.

I don’t think I have broken many hearts. If anything, most guys seems to run as fast as they can from me or just treat me like shit… but once again, I am a bad person to be involved with. Like I need more negatives. Now I am dangerous?! Please! Just because I like to drive down dark deserted roads in the middle of the night without the lights on in my car does not mean I am dangerous… But once again I would have to put this to the people who know me best. Heather!!! Am I dangerous and charismatic? And did I break any hearts… ? I didn’t think so…

Sensuousness and passion are important themes in the lives of those born on this cusp. In their relationships with others, however, they may exhibit a split between these two areas, treating sexuality quite differently from sensuality, and basing relationships squarely on either one or the other, and only rarely on both.

Yes… that is all I have to say on this subject.

Libra-Scorpios express their sensuousness in their love of the beautiful and tasteful objects with which they surround themselves, or in an appreciation of art, music and literature.

Dead on! Very very very very very very dead on… if you know me at all… you know this is true.

Those romantically involved with Libra-Scorpios must beware of the addictive tendencies in such relationships. Unduly deep attachments that go beyond usual or even healthy limits may result in debilitating dependencies or painful partings and breakups, even in symptoms resembling drug withdrawl.

See, I’m like a drug… bad for you! I don’t see this part at all…unless someone stealing my car is addicitive. Maybe its the tendency I had for dating addicts? I mean, I attracted them alot… does this mean I was just another drug?

The most successful type of Libra-Scorpio personality is able to structure relationships so that both parties have their own space and retain their identities; less successful individuals born on this cusp ma be fated to experiences a painful string of failed relationships.

Now, this I see… I am an unsuccessful Libra-Scorpio Cusp baby…

A combination of deeply love and friendship in a marriage with a libra-scorpio is possible, however,

I love the “however” don’t you!

and such a bond will overcome almost any difficulties that may arise.

With children, whether thier own or those of other family members or friends, Libra-Scorpio take seriously the role of responsible adult guide, but can lose their objectivity and wind up getting too emotionally involved.

I am starting to hate the word “too”… and yes, I do take the role seriously but have learned to keep my emotional distance. I learned that lesson the hard way with an ex.

Those born on this cusp must learn to be respectful of children, students and other young people, and to realize how damaging their feels and desires, and perhaps their unrealistic expectations, may prove.

So, basically… no one let your children near me because I may hurt them emotionally and everyone else should stay away too because I am harmful to anyone in my life. Thanks… now I feel great!

Advice: try to relax and have fun. Learn to be less picky (I am not picky! I just know what I like damnit!) Do not cut yourself off from the unusal experiences but maintain your poise and balance. Continue to battle with life and resist escapism or the throes of self-pity. Leave the past behind and embrace the future. Cynicism and sarcasm are point to you. (without sarcasm… what do I have? nothing! it is my life blood, I can not exist without it!)

Libra-Scorpio Cusp Notables:

Sarah Bernhardt, Evander Holyfield, Pablo Picasso, Peter Tosh, Catherine Deneuve, Robert Rauschenberg, Annette Funicello, Pele, Johnny Carson, Weird Al Yankovic,  Helen Reddy, Dizzy Gillespie, Ursula Le Guin, Carrie Fisher (sweet Princess Leia!), Benjamin Netanyahu, Jelly Roll Morton, Arthur Rumbaud, Bobby Seale and Mickey Mantle.

Copyright @Secret Language of Relationships by Gary Goldschneider & Joost Elffers.
1997.  Penguin Studios, New York, NY. Pages 132 – 135

16 thoughts on “The Cusp of Drama and Criticism

  1. I have the same book and the Secret Language of birthdays. They are interesting and provide some insight but don’t let them pidgeonhole you. 😉 It is a tool to be used.

    btw – I’m a full Scorpio and I was raised by a full Libra. Yup, we had some fun times, fun times. =P

    • yeah I am not… more of a guidance thing… I just think some of it is funny and scarily accurate. I’m gonna ignore that parts I don’t like… yeah that is generally a good idea 😀

  2. You madam, and your bizarre acumen, strike me to the quick. I stumbled across this, whilst remaining a stellar/productive 3rd shift employee, when I attempted to find these elusive 10 themes of Drama and Criticism. Google finds itself defeated by these search terms! Hopefully, after tonight, this tangent will sink to the depths before I get home and waste valuable time digging through a variety of research databases that would find better use researching projects I actually need to complete as opposed to feeding my current round of dramatic post-relationship, self-decprcating soul-searching. I digress.
    I too find myself born during this most(apparently) wretched of weeks, and found little solice in the author’s writeup of this cusp. Granted, the critique candidly and cogently condenses my critical constructs, and correspondes consistently with my contemplations concerning current chaotic crap and concurrent cyclical crises.
    *I love alliteration, and you should too! Let me tell you why….*
    Of particular issue, aside from your apt comments about the “TOOs” and “howevers”, I take particular offense with the assertion that our type can be thought of as dictatorial and sarcastic. The author can blow that straight out of their ass, and if they take issue with that then I have a nice trench out back I’d like to get their opinion on.
    Take heart, for hopefully you are not also cursed w/the same MBTI type that this s/l/c finds himself labeled with–INTP. Jung, is his theory of types (which, I might add, I actually own) describes the
    INTP as “The most wretched of types” Apparently doomed to quackery at one pole, artisanship in the center and whatever the adverb form of a being a Mystic is when well developed…so there.
    Cherrypicked things considered, though, it could be much, much worse–mundane myopic mediocrity. Seriously, would you trade away your polar, anxiety ridden, saracen (in the opposition to bullshit authority analogic-interpretive definition), serendipitous self-contempt and synchronistic sense?
    I enjoyed reading your post.
    ~Larval Magus

    • I am an IFNP, I think… depending on my mood I go from introvert to extrovert. I thank you for your comment and appreciate you leaving one. I found it difficult as well to find anything online on this cusp outside of this book.

      I like to read different books and just use them for a little more understanding but take in the knowledge that there is more to me then what is on the page. Especially when a lot of the books say worse things about my actual birthday… its kinda frustrating. But I live and learn from it.

      And enjoy my complexity to the max – right now its, so I am difficult that means the people in my life have to be strong to stand by me. I kinda like that idea.

  3. I too was born during this week (Oct. 23). Thanks for posting this. I’ve also decided to ignore the parts I don’t like (which is quite a bit). Specific to love affairs I must say, my friends routinely refer to my exes as “victims”! Lol..but I never intend to scar anyone..oh well. *Note: other famous cuspers include Aubrey “Drake” Graham, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Ciara

  4. I personally think we are lucky. I was born on the 23rd and I constantly look around and see stupid people. I see stupid people and I see them everywhere. This is not a blanket statement, I have met some very deep people, but I think we see more than other people, we have more to worry about so it makes us… i don’t know it just seems to do something to us. Anyway, don’t loose hope! Ignore the bad stuff and the too’s! Good luck!

  5. I think they don’t get us so they just prefer to judge and contain.

    I mean what star sign wrote this book anyway?

    I think it’s like a man writing a book that ‘explains women’ in essence. or vice versa.

  6. This made me laugh so much. I just find the author of the book to be extremely jealous of us all. Oh, right. I should mention that I was born of the 24th of October.
    It’s true that I’m quite critical and hard to get along with, but hey, it’s better than having no backbone and letting everyone step all over you. I’d rather be feared than loved.
    All my friends are strong. I’m not friends with anyone weak because they’re not very useful to me, I believe. Weak personalities can’t stand me because apparently, I have a sharp tongue. I concur with that last part, but I don’t see why I need to hold back on my opinions. I have a lot to say and I shouldn’t be restrained.
    Also, I’m super respectful. I’m not the one who needs to practice respect. Others need to practice respect, not me. If you don’t respect me, there’s no way in hell I’ll respect you. That’s just how I roll. People don’t deserve respect from me. People don’t even deserve to be acknowledged by me if they are rude and disrespectful.
    All I see in that description of Libra Scorpios are negatives, so screw that. I didn’t even read most of what the author said because it’s bullshit. It feels as if the author is directly trying to make us all sound bad. And ya know what? It makes me angry to a point where I feel like I should act that way just to live up to the author’s expectations. I’ll act like that around people that I hate for sure because they don’t deserve to see the best of me.

    God, reading all that made me mad, haha. But the comments were extremely hilarious. I could relate to every single one of ’em. Anyways, I don’t have anything else to say. I’m just going to end it here now.

  7. so weird reading all these comments and thinking how much we all sound alike.. oh joy! I personally have a love/hate relationship with these “faults” that they point out but I am doing my best to recognize these vices in myself and making them more mature, not change them, just not have them be so overwhelming to others.. and I have been known as a heartbreaker BUT I feel for good reason and since I got my Karma back for those times, tenfold, I plan for now on to be more careful in choosing who I decide to be with me, yes it’s my choice. I don’t want to hurt anyone else’s feelings. But great post and the descriptions are hilarious I get your sense of humor!!

  8. I was also born on the 24th of October and as a 17 year old, I’m finding it very difficult to manage my “being”, I guess you could say. In a way, I’ve found many other blogs to be helpful and this one in particular shed some light on to my situation. But I’m still so confused as to why just about everyone would find me to be so hard to understand when I explain myself in the simplest way possible. It annoys me like no other because they just don’t get it. This also leads me to be confused about a lot more in regards to my emotions. I’m not sure if I feel this way not only because of my sun sign but also because I’m so young. And what’s bugging me about it is that I feel as if I know these things and that my feelings are justified because,my observations are pretty legit and on point, but I’m not too comfortable with trusting my instincts and therefore I’m not entirely to comfortable with trusting myself when comes to making decisions in relationships ( which is another problem because everyone is either too stupid and not mature enough, I can compete with them in their interest, or I just give up in my pursuit because I feel insecure when I can’t tell if there’s an attraction between the two of us.) Anyways… I (or we) have some problems. Oh my life.

    • Reading your post made me think I was reading something I had posted. A lot will come from learning to trust yourself and your instincts. I often found when I didn’t something usually went really wrong. I am now 37 years old and have a lot of the same feelings happening. I wouldn’t worry about explaining yourself too much – those who get you won’t need the explanation.

    • Oh my god. The feels when I read your post… (Especially the part about relationships!) It’s so complicated being a cusper! I was born on the 28th of October, but I’m convinced that I am one. I wish it wasn’t so hard to relate to people or that i didn’t care so much at times! I always feel as though I’m alternating between a near perfect persona – charismatic, charming, witty, and quite simply, the shit – and the most socially awkward, defunct, character you will ever know. It’s the biggest struggle ever. And my friends say they can relate, and I believe them to an extent, but they never really crash-and-burn quite as bad as I. haha. I think it’s because of scorpio’s general apathy for popular opinion and libra’s major concern of it. They both bring great things to the table, but they’re so radically different, that the general task of BEING is a job itself.
      The thing that I’ve started trying to do is learning from doing rather than overthinking things. It sounds dumb at first, but it’s better to do SOMETHING and know that YOU did it, than living under the whim of someone else. And if that doesn’t convince you, think about it like this: at least you’ll have some great experiences! haha.
      The main thing that I think that us as Librios (that’s what i call us) need to remember, is that sometimes, you just have to say “Fuck it” and just live. Just be you. No matter how awkward it gets. And once you get used to it, everything will fall into place. But don’t do anything that you know and feel isn’t right for you.
      Our impulsive and whimsical natures balanced with our intellect will guide the way.

  9. Oh my god. The feels when I read your post… (Especially the part about relationships!) It’s so complicated being a cusper! I was born on the 28th of October, but I’m convinced that I am one. I wish it wasn’t so hard to relate to people or that i didn’t care so much at times! I always feel as though I’m alternating between a near perfect persona – charismatic, charming, witty, and quite simply, the shit – and the most socially awkward, defunct, character you will ever know. It’s the biggest struggle ever. And my friends say they can relate, and I believe them to an extent, but they never really crash-and-burn quite as bad as I. haha. I think it’s because of scorpio’s general apathy for popular opinion and libra’s major concern of it. They both bring great things to the table, but they’re so radically different, that the general task of BEING is a job itself.
    The thing that I’ve started trying to do is learning from doing rather than overthinking things. It sounds dumb at first, but it’s better to do SOMETHING and know that YOU did it, than living under the whim of someone else. And if that doesn’t convince you, think about it like this: at least you’ll have some great experiences! haha.
    The main thing that I think that us as Librios (that’s what i call us) need to remember, is that sometimes, you just have to say “Fuck it” and just live. Just be you. No matter how awkward it gets. And once you get used to it, everything will fall into place. But don’t do anything that you know and feel isn’t right for you.
    Our impulsive and whimsical natures balanced with our intellect will guide the way.

  10. Born 22nd oct. so true but I cherish all that sounds right to me n leave the rest behind. However, still looking and searching for the right relationship with the remaining zodiac. Seems I’ve known them all and are just right for work and business…..maybe short/long affairs but that’s it….never more. I hope I’m not destined to be alone cos of my sign…..aaaaarrrrggghhh, painful.

    • They come and it takes a strong person. I had given up hope as well to find someone who could love me and deal with the insanity I call myself but I did. He is almost the complete opposite of me in temperament but the personalities in the end mesh wonderfully. Of course, he was one of my best friends who had seen it all with me up to that point. He was starting to give up hope as well.

      All I can say is focus on growing yourself, being happy with/accepting all that you are, let go of anything in the past that may be weighing you down from soaring. When it is time, it will happen when you least expect. Really think about what you want in a mate beyond a sign or looks but the real person underneath the masks we show each other. This is what worked for me. Good luck with everything and I hope you find what you are looking for.

  11. I’m sooooooooooo glad I stumbled on this blog! You’re comments are endearing and on point. I was literally in tears!!! Yes, I will agree wholeheartedly when it comes to dating. Being born on this week has set the record for dating screw-ups. Reading everyone else’s post is really funny and VERY relatable. I’ve only met someone in the past with the same year, date, and month and act the exact same way. I’ve had great dating experiences that ends badly and bad dating experiences that ended HORRIBLY.

    My exes don’t think I’m “crazy” per se, but were confused with a lot of my motives throughout the relationships. Dating is a nightmare, because my heart is always in the right place, but I ultimately am the one doing something wrong and well….that’s the end of that. In my head and heart I know what I want in life, but I’m constantly struggle internally with just that, my head and heart. I have a very hard time understanding my emotions especially since I’m a double water sign (Cusp Scorpio and Cancer Moon). I can think though thoughts well, but still trying to learn what my emotional are telling and that’s where I’ve been working on since I was about 19 years old.

    Air signs think I’m highly intelligent since I know a lot about a lot of things, but emotionally they don’t get how deep I really am and it’s hard to express that to them. I’m talking about “wanting a relationship so deep that it would make the ocean jealous.” Water signs get me emotionally, but the air side of things, they find it confusing and have both traits and trying to “balance” my emotional needs with my mindful needs is just confusing to everyone around me. And trying to tell someone how I feel emotionally in a verbal way is just….no. Can’t and won’t come out like it should.

    I’m very very very very blunt that they think its ill-mannered and that drives a lot of people away. I can’t help it that I need to find truth in everything. The truth is to help you grow, so what’s wrong with that? I personally, being born on 10/19, am insistent, which still till this day gets me in a lot of trouble. Yes, I get the comment from my friends that I am “too damn much,” and even some people have told me, “I can only take you in spades.” Well I guess I would rather be respected for my honestly than to be loved.

    Anyways I’m glad to see a blog that actually discusses who I AM and the folks who get us a beings! 😀

    Love and Light my friends! 😀

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